Why is SMM SMO (Social Media Marketing) valuable for your business?

SMM SMO, or Social Media Marketing and Optimisation, are a valuable opportunity to share content, create brand affinity and drive traffic to your website.


Use Social Networks to get the word out about your business, share content and engage with your audience.


Share your content on various channels to reach your target audience and offer value to your customers.


Provide useful content which your audience will like and share and use advertising to attract and increase website traffic.


Build relationships with your customers, respond to their queries and deal positively with complaints.


Rely on social media engagement to build your brand reputation and generate sales leads.


Use Insights and Analytics to monitor who your customers are and what they like, and plan accordingly.

Technically, SMO is part of SMM. But let us start at the beginning. As the name suggests, SMM, or Social Media Marketing, utilises social media as a marketing tool. It involves using a variety of social networks to promote your brand, products and services, build brand awareness and drive website traffic. This may include using paid ads on Facebook, Linked In, Twitter, etc. but also includes several organic means, which is usually what is meant by SMO, or Social Media Optimisation. SMO, or Social Media Optimisation, is concerned solely with the organic methods by which one can build a good online reputation and drive traffic to your website. It also includes optimising your website and blog posts to make it easy for readers to follow you and share your content on social media. Paid social media advertising Everyone appreciates the fact that your captive audience spends most of its time online on social networking platforms such as Facebook. Any online advertising strategy must consider paid social as an important and effective channel for creating interest in the brand and generating sales leads and conversions. Organic methods to promote your business SMO involves a higher degree of involvement compared to setting up and launching a paid ad to a target audience on a social network. It means hours of engagement in social media groups, blogs and forums to build brand familiarity and trust. It works by boosting visibility and brand strength and it also generates leads. Furthermore, just as SEO looks at website content and functionality with search engines in mind, SMO pays attention to how easily content can be promoted and shared on social media and encourages website visitors to join your social media pages and groups through well placed icons and calls to action.
Identifying your target audiences. Discerning which social networks best suit your type of business. Setting up custom profiles and design. Social media contest management to attract likes and supporters. Brand monitoring. Monitoring the performance of various types of posts. Monitoring other real time social media insights. Planning, launching and monitoring paid ads based on that information. Let us handle your social media marketing in Malta. Contact us for a free consultation.

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